Monday, January 25, 2010

Winter Updates

We have returned to school starting our second semester! After two snow days that surprised us all the first week back, we are off and running for our second semester at HTM. We have started our Admissions Process for the 2010-2011 school year and we are excited about the interest we have for the school. We currently have a waitlist and we anticipate more interest as the school year continues. The growth and interest is such a testament to the unbelievable staff we have at HTM. I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful and talented women that surround me. I could not have been where I am this year without the support of April, KaToya, Cara and Sarah. We have created a great team and "family." We look forward to a great Spring and a wonderful summer!
We are excited to announce a Summer Program as well!! I have included more pictures of the children working and the Toddler exploring the outdoors!