Wednesday, May 13, 2009

And the story continues...

So, the story continues.... I shared in my last two posts about the signs. The signs I could not ignore, but what about all the people that have come into my life since October. The people who I have met at Holy Trinity Lutheran would be the first to mention. The people of  HT Lutheran have been amazing and very supportive. In October, when I presented to the church council I was greeted with joy, excitement and enthusiasm. I could not believe as I sat presenting to this open minded group of people, not only did a number of the church members know about Montessori but their own children had attended Montessori schools as children. This is unheard of in Nashville, other parts of the country have large, strong pockets of Montessori Education, but Nashville is different. There are a growing number of schools, but not until recently when Belmont opened their teacher training program did Montessori grow and gain more community support. So, to have members of the church excited about the program was one step... but they were equally excited about Montessori. What dream was I in? or maybe What reality show was filming me? When would this fall apart? Could this be REAL? Could this be the place I had been waiting for all these years....?
 At this point in my journey, I was shocked!! We moved from council meetings to congregational presentations to more meetings to forming a Montessori planning team to more meetings to the final day, March 29th.  (And, yes for all that know, the day after my sister Laura's wedding. everyone knew but Laura and Brandon.. did not want the weekend to be about HT, but about Laura & Brandon!! ) So, on March 29th at 9:30 am ... my world changed. Mike and I arrived for the congregational presentation and vote. After the team presented and I answered questions, it was time to vote.  The council called for the vote, my heart sank and then it happened .... "All in favor, say (I)" ....all I heard were loud voices chiming in.  And then I knew it had to be next, " All opposed, ................... Nothing !!! SILENCE.... Did he say all opposed??? where were they? it was silent!! No opposition?? Could this be true. And it was .... a UNANIMOUS vote !!!!  Loud cheering and clapping began ,followed by many members of the congregation hugging each other and then many of them hugging and shaking hands with me. I was overwhelmed with joy!!!  I did not believe this day could happen. With so many other broken roads to here, I could not believe where I was standing and with the wonderful task before me! A dear friend of mine from years past, Marcus Hummon wrote an amazing song, many of you know, saying, " ...and God bless the broken road that led me straight to you. "  I believe we are all on a journey with many roads and paths, but this day, March 29th was a day that started a new path for me... and God has truly blessed this road. 

1 comment:

  1. WEll this is so awesome! God Bless the path you are on. There are families that have been waiting for you.
