Thursday, June 11, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend....

Memorial Day was spent painting! We painted and painted and painted some more.... Luckily, Mike and I were joined by an amazing crew of support to help with what we all thought would be a small paint job! After the planned 3-4 cans of paint were gone, we soon realized that our small paint job would last long into the weekend. The walls soaked up much more paint then expected!! Our family members; Brett, Laura, Alex, Anna; our friends, Claudia, Jonathan, Meg, Matt and Dennis, a Holy Trinity Church member, made up the wonderful crew of support. Jonathan and Claudia, our dearest friends, "stopped" by to help us cut off the door in the bathroom and stayed ALL day to help paint! Thank you guys and Claud sorry about the paint on your nice pants!! Our neighbors and future HTM parents, Matt and Meg each dedicated a full day of work! Thanks you to each of you... Meg loves to paint the trim and Matt was quite the roller. And, yes to my dear family who have taken on this HTM idea with amazing support, I thank you again and again! And, to Dennis, thank you for all your help! Dennis spent all day helping which was such a gift. Thank you all.. the paint is done!! 

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