Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Open House- July 25, 2009

So, I am a little behind on the blog, as many of you can imagine why. We had our first Open House in July, and it was amazing. We had our journey posted on a Journey Wall, by dear family friends, the Mannings. Meg and Matt worked together
to write and post the HTM story. The Open House was an amazing moment for me. After all the work throughout the last 10 months, I was able to share my joy and excitement with family, friends, colleagues and most important the parents of HTM. The Open House could not have been more memorable and wonderful. I want to truly thank the parents of HTM for trusting in me and in believing in my dream. It was a great joy to share this day with everyone, and I was lucky enough to board a plane after Open House to NC to meet my new niece, Lucy!


  1. I was so glad to see the blog updated :) How's it been going???? Congrats on the niece too--I LOVE the name--Lucy was in our top 3 choices too. I hope your first few weeks are going well. I can't wait to hear all about it!


  2. Things are going great. Great first week and a half. Having fun! Hope your class is going well.. we need to catch up. Pizza night? Give us a call. Give Ellen a squeeze. How is your year and new schedule? hope to talk soon.
