Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shelves and More Shelves..

July 16, 2009
Well... the shelves are here.. The truck arrived and WOW! When the accordion door to the Uhaul opened....it was a moment that I will NEVER forget. This moment made everything feel real, and I do not think there was a dry eye in the parking lot. I was amazed. Farrell Eaves and Mike Vaughn spent hours, days and weeks making our beautiful shelves by hand. All the small hands that will use these shelves...Farrell and Mike will never know the impact their work will have on the children of HTM for many years to come. After we unloaded all the shelves, the crews arrived and more work began. Family, friends, faculty and parents of HTM arrived to help out. What a crew! We worked for four straight days and nights to finally deliver the shelves into the classrooms on Saturday. As the shelves were being moved to the classrooms, family and friends, were planting flowers, painting church walls and adding mulch to the grounds. I thank each of my wonderful, special family and friends who have dedicated weekend after weekend to help with HTM. We are almost there... now, the Montessori work begins. Time to "prepare the environment" as Dr. Maria Montessori states. Now, for my true passion.... preparing for the children.

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